Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Welcome to Ben & Sen Adventures

SEN Lee in his infamous fight
against BEN Norris.

SEN and DARREN rescue BEN who
was being tortured on the Death Star
for the location of the secret Rebel base.

BEN wishes he'd paid attention when
ordering at this restaurant.

BEN and SEN stand in a photograph
with NATHAN and STEVE at the wedding.

BEN and SEN are not fighting,
this is a traditional Georgian dance.

BEN and SEN defend their homes
against goblins. They are a proud race.

BEN & SEN become the first
Australian and
Malaysian sumo
competitors respectively.

BEN & SEN are marooned in the Caribbean

BEN and SEN rise to prominence in
the Chinese Communist Party.

BEN and SEN are in deep behind
enemy lines. SEN calls in air support.

BEN has sustained a leg wound and
must be assisted by SEN and GABRIEL
to the helicopter.

BEN and SEN search for


  1. Hahahaha!! Love em.

    I miss the stupid shenanigans of Ben & Sen.

  2. LOL absolutely hilarious! hahahaha

  3. Hahahahaha, you know I STILL come back to these anytime I feel like a good laugh....heheheeehee
